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This wiki page provides information about the plugin Pacifism.



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Allow players to toggle their PVP on or off. (Also enables PVP after a specified amount of grace-time.).

Why Pacifism?

This offers a very simple configuration and setup all while remaining very light-weight.

How to install

  1. Download and install BukkitOfUtils. Found here: BukkitOfUtils

  2. Download the correct version of this plugin for you server version.

  3. Place in your plugins folder.

  4. Stop server.

  5. Start server.

  6. Use to your liking.

More Information

How to toggle your PVP

  1. Install plugin. (Shown above.)

  2. /tpvp


  • Disable PVP interactions:

    • Direct (melee).

    • Projectiles.

  • Configurable grace-period.



  • <required> - "required" (literal) is required for the command to work.

  • (optional) - "optional" (literal) is optional for the command to work.

  • "thing" - thing is non-literal; meaning you specify something that "thing" describes. Such as a world name, or player name.

Plugin Commands

  • /tpvp

    • /tpvp ("player") (-f)

      • Toggles PVP for a certain player or for yourself.

      • Use -f to force toggling; meaning it will bypass the cooldown.

  • /spvp

    • /spvp <on/off> ("player") (-f)

      • Sets PVP to on / off for a certain player or for yourself.

      • Use -f to force setting; meaning it will bypass the cooldown.

  • /worldwhitelist

    • /worldwhitelist <set-as> <whitelist|blacklist>

      • Sets the whitelist to either be a whitelist (worlds in it are the only worlds that Pacifism works in) or a blacklist (worlds in it are excluded from Pacifism working in them).

    • /worldwhitelist <add/remove> ["world"]

      • Adds a world to the whitelist/blacklist.

    • /worldwhitelist <list>

      • Lists all worlds currently in the whitelist/blacklist.

  • /setgracetime

    • /setgracetime <"ticks"> ["player"]

      • Sets the gracetime in ticks for a certain player or for yourself.


  • pacifism.command.togglepvp - Allows running the command /tpvp.

  • pacifism.command.setpvp - Allows running the command /spvp.

  • pacifism.command.worldwhitelist - Allows running the command /worldwhitelist.

  • pacifism.command.setgracetime - Allows running the command /setgracetime.

  • pacifism.others.toggle - Allows toggling other players' PVP.

  • pacifism.others.set - Allows setting other players' PVP to on or off.

  • pacifism.others.gracetime - Allows setting other players' gracetime.

  • pacifism.force - Allows toggling or setting PVP forcefully (bypasses cooldown).


You can use PlaceholderAPI to use Pacifism's placeholders in other areas of your server!

Time Units

Use these as a key for the below placeholders.

Time Unit




The time in ticks.

20 ticks per 1 second


The time in seconds.


The time in minutes.


The time in hours.


The time in days.


The time in weeks.

Our Placeholders




%pacifism_gracetime_left_<time unit>%

The amount of

left until the player has their pvp toggled. This shows an integer.

120 ticks: 120

142 ticks: 7.1

%pacifism_gracetime_left_<time unit>_fancy%

Shows the

left, but in the fancy format you configured in the plugin's config.

6000 ticks: 5 minutes

65 ticks: 3.25 seconds


Will show the full and formatted amount of grace time left.

1221 ticks: 1 minute 1 second 1 tick


The status of the player's PVP. This will show either "true" or "false".




The status of the player's PVP. This will show the value you set in the config depending on if it is true or false.



%pacifism_as_<player>_<one of the above without "pacifism_">%

Does the above, but as <player>. Remember to replace the fields between the < and the > for both arguments.


Formatting your Placeholders

Use the following placeholders in your placeholders config section to format the output.



%gracetime_left_<time unit>%

The time left in

rounded down

%gracetime_left_<time unit>_full%

The time left in

with decimals

%gracetime_left_<time unit>_truncated:<places>%

The time left in

truncated to

decimal places.



player: # Grace Period. # force-toggle is the same as grace-period. force-toggle: # If grace-period is enabled. # true = plugin will use the grace-period. enabled: true # The time in seconds of the grace-period. # After this many game ticks, it will set # the player's pvp status to the "set-as". after: 18000 # 15 minutes # The status to set the player's pvp status # to after the grace-period. # true = player can pvp and be pvp-ed. set-as: true # The message to send to the player when # the grace-period is over. (When the above # "after" time has passed.) message: "&7&oYou seem fit to &c&lfight&8&o! &7&oWe have enabled your &c&lPVP&8&o!" # Should the plugin send the above message? # true = yes, send the message. send-message: true # Countdown configuration. countdown: # If countdown is enabled. enabled: true # Commands to run at x ticks left. commands: '6000': - '(message) %player_name% &7&oYou have &a&o5 &f&ominutes &7&oleft of your grace period.' '1200': - '(message) %player_name% &7&oYou have &a&o1 &f&ominute &7&oleft of your grace period.' '600': - '(message) %player_name% &7&oYou have &a&o30 &f&oseconds &7&oleft of your grace period.' '300': - '(message) %player_name% &7&oYou have &a&o15 &f&oseconds &7&oleft of your grace period.' '100': - '(message) %player_name% &7&oYou have &a&o5 &f&oseconds &7&oleft of your grace period.' '80': - '(message) %player_name% &a&o4 &f&oseconds&7&o...' '60': - '(message) %player_name% &a&o3 &f&oseconds&7&o...' '40': - '(message) %player_name% &a&o2 &f&oseconds&7&o...' '20': - '(message) %player_name% &a&o1 &f&osecond&7&o...' # When players are toggling PVP... toggle: # The cool-down after toggling PVP. cool-down: # If cool-down is enabled. enabled: true # This is in server ticks. # 20 ticks = 1 second. # 600 ticks = 30 seconds. ticks: 600 # Explosion configuration. explosions: # Exploding blocks to block. materials: # The list of materials to block. list: - 'WHITE_BED' - 'ORANGE_BED' - 'MAGENTA_BED' - 'LIGHT_BLUE_BED' - 'YELLOW_BED' - 'LIME_BED' - 'PINK_BED' - 'GRAY_BED' - 'LIGHT_GRAY_BED' - 'CYAN_BED' - 'PURPLE_BED' - 'BLUE_BED' - 'BROWN_BED' - 'GREEN_BED' - 'RED_BED' - 'BLACK_BED' - 'TNT' - 'RESPAWN_ANCHOR' # The type of list to use. is-blacklist: false # The radius to check for players with pacifism on. radius: 15 # Exploding entities to block. entities: # The list of entities to block. list: - 'MINECART_TNT' - 'PRIMED_TNT' - 'ENDER_CRYSTAL' # The type of list to use. is-blacklist: false # The radius to check for players with pacifism on. radius: 15 # PlaceholderAPI configuration. placeholders: # Grace Period placeholders. gracetime: # Placeholder for the grace time left. left: # Negative grace time. negatives: # If the plugin should replace the negative time. # true = replace the negative time. # false = do not replace the negative time. replace: true # What to replace the negative time with. replace-to: 0 # The below have the following options: # %gracetime_left_ticks% = The time left in ticks rounded down. # %gracetime_left_ticks_full% = The time left in ticks with decimals. # %gracetime_left_ticks_truncated:<places>% = The time left in ticks truncated to <places> decimal places. # %gracetime_left_seconds% = The time left in seconds rounded down. # %gracetime_left_seconds_full% = The time left in seconds with decimals. # %gracetime_left_seconds_truncated:<places>% = The time left in seconds truncated to <places> decimal places. # %gracetime_left_minutes% = The time left in minutes rounded down. # %gracetime_left_minutes_full% = The time left in minutes with decimals. # %gracetime_left_minutes_truncated:<places>% = The time left in minutes truncated to <places> decimal places. # %gracetime_left_hours% = The time left in hours rounded down. # %gracetime_left_hours_full% = The time left in hours with decimals. # %gracetime_left_hours_truncated:<places>% = The time left in hours truncated to <places> decimal places. # %gracetime_left_days% = The time left in days rounded down. # %gracetime_left_days_full% = The time left in days with decimals. # %gracetime_left_days_truncated:<places>% = The time left in days truncated to <places> decimal places. # The time in ticks. ticks: # The simple placeholder. simple: "%gracetime_left_ticks%" # The fancy placeholder. fancy: "&a%gracetime_left_ticks% &fticks" # The time in seconds. seconds: # The simple placeholder. simple: "%gracetime_left_seconds%" # The fancy placeholder. fancy: "&a%gracetime_left_seconds% &fseconds" # The time in minutes. minutes: # The simple placeholder. simple: "%gracetime_left_minutes%" # The fancy placeholder. fancy: "&a%gracetime_left_minutes% &fminutes" # The time in hours. hours: # The simple placeholder. simple: "%gracetime_left_hours%" # The fancy placeholder. fancy: "&a%gracetime_left_hours% &fhours" # The time in days. days: # The simple placeholder. simple: "%gracetime_left_days%" # The fancy placeholder. fancy: "&a%gracetime_left_days% &fdays" # The time in days. weeks: # The simple placeholder. simple: "%gracetime_left_weeks%" # The fancy placeholder. fancy: "&a%gracetime_left_weeks% &fweeks" # The time combined placeholder. combined: # Uses the fancy placeholders for each time unit - listed above. # NOTE: All leading and trailing spaces will be removed. # Options: # %days% = days section. # %hours% = hours section. # %minutes% = minutes section. # %seconds% = seconds section. # %ticks% = ticks section. fancy: "%weeks% %days% %hours% %minutes% %seconds% %ticks%" sections: only-show-if-not-zero: true weeks: "&a%amount% &fweeks" days: "&a%amount% &fdays" hours: "&a%amount% &fhours" minutes: "&a%amount% &fminutes" seconds: "&a%amount% &fseconds" ticks: "&a%amount% &fticks" # PVP status placeholders. status: # Placeholder for when PVP is toggled off. pvp-off: # The simple placeholder. # '%status_pvp%' will be replaced with the # status of the player's PVP. (true/false) simple: "%status_pvp%" # The fancy placeholder. fancy: "&c&lOFF" # Placeholder for when PVP is toggled on. pvp-on: # The simple placeholder. # '%status_pvp%' will be replaced with the # status of the player's PVP. (true/false) simple: "%status_pvp%" # The fancy placeholder. fancy: "&a&lON" # The plugin's database settings. database: # The type of database to use. # MYSQL = MySQL # SQLITE = SQLite # No other types are supported at this time. type: 'SQLITE' # The host or IP of the MySQL server. host: 'localhost' # The port of the MySQL server. port: 3306 # The username to use to connect to the MySQL server. username: 'root' # The password to use to connect to the MySQL server. password: 'password' # The prefix to use for the tables in the database. table-prefix: 'pacifism_' # The name of the database to use (when using MySQL). database: 'pacifism' # The name of the SQLite file to use (when using SQLite). sqlite-file-name: 'pacifism.db'
Last modified: 04 December 2024