PlasHost Help

JustTags Setup (JTags)

Creating Tags

/jtags create <identifier> <format>

The <identifier> is what you want the plugin to call the tag. This is not what is displayed. This is only for the plugin's internals and assigning it to players.
The format is what you want the tag to look like when players are using it.

NOTE: This is usually prepended with &r (notice the space) so that there is a space between the player's rank and the tag. (If using as a suffix. If you are using it as a prefix, &r will be appended not prepended to the tag's format.)

Assigning Tags to Players

/jtags grant <identifier> This only grants it to them, they still need to equip it.

Using (Equipping) the Tag

NOTE: The player equipping the tag, needs to have the tag granted to them before they can use it!

/jtags equip <identifier> Extra Information: You can allow players to equip more than one tag. This includes the ability for them to arrange them how they like.

Server-Side Setup

This is the setup you will need to do in the server files.

  • You must have PlaceholderAPI installed.

  • The placeholder for a player's tag is %jtags_container% and includes all equipped tags that are usable -- usable, meaning that they have permissions to have that many tags.

  • Any tab management, scoreboard management, or chat management plugin you have needs to use this placeholder (if you want it to be used in those areas.

Last modified: 10 November 2024